Trying my best 9-29-17

So far in chapters 6-10 in Illustrator I have managed to thouroughly confuse myself. Chapter six is about creating a logo, which was a yin and yang symbol. I spent a good amount of time messing around with the keys and tools to try to connect things. In the end I ended up needing help from a fellow student. When my logo finally worked it looked nice. After chapter six came chapter seven. In chapter seven I learned effects and how to combine things. I made a flower looking shape and a gear wheel. I think pathfinder is somewhat easy to use. It is cool when I can get it to cooperate. Chapter eight was more confusing to to the different editing tools being used. I tried to make the picture in the book but I messed up brutally and made an octopus. Chapter nine worked way differently. It was much easier to understand. The only thing that confused me was when I tried to use live paint bucket tool. I am not sure if it is because I didn’t connect my picture correctly or something else, but it messed up a bit. I eventually got it to work and was able to add color to my picture without having to use live paint brush. It was much easier with paint bucket. Out of all the chapters ten was the easiest to understand. I had fun cutting shapes and messing with gradient. It is probably so far my favorite thing to mess with. I love being able to change the colors into a fade.

On my own I have been trying to find my art style. Everything I make I do not really like. I feel like my pictures look either too childish or too detailed. I was able to go onto illustrator using the big Wacom tablet in my classroom. I tried drawing a picture of a guy and an elephant. They do not look too bad, but I feel like I could do better. I am still hoping to find a drawing style I like. The coolest thing I have made so far was probably my fox. It was a little difficult at first, but when I got things going it was fun. I love animals so much and seeing my fox makes me happy.

When my classmates and I decorate the door I hope it looks nice. No one has made any major plans , but I have been thinking of a few ideas. An idea of mine was to obviously make the door pink and have a sign that says,”Think pink.” another idea along the lines of think pink was to make an outline of a brain and have it made out of pink ribbons. If my class is lucky we could win the door contest.

“Joy” of Creating 9-22-17

This week I have been reading in the Adobe Illustrator book. The first five chapters are very informative and somewhat easy to understand. I struggled with some of the shape changing effects and color changing, but had people help me figure things out. The book has good illustrations but I find it easier to learn when someone shows me. There are so many different buttons for different things. My favorite button so far is the delete button, it is very useful.

After the book, I went online and had to choose an Illustrator design. There were about thirty different illustrator designs and tutorials I could choose from. After taking my sweet time I decided to go with the fox tutorial. I personally love animals and thought the fox was good. I read over the instructions over many times and struggled with making the head. I eventually asked for help and fixed my poor creature. When I finished with my fox it was cute and chubby. Somewhere in the tutorial I messed up, but it still looked very alike and it is perfect. I decided to do another one. I wanted to make  a coffee maker illustration, but I messed it up very badly. I made a button out of it instread. I decided to try a different one with leaves. In the end I could not figure out how to make things work out right and instead made a kiwi bird.

With Illustrator aside I had the chance to enter state fair. I was going to send in a photo of my friend’s pet deer. The original picture I was going to send was with the deer sticking it’s nose in the camera. It was fine in the camera, but when I brought it up on a computer the photo was a little blurry. I tried taking another, but the deer was busy. In the end I sent in a photo of a butterfly that I had taken at my neighbors house. I took the photo as the butterfly began to fly off a flower. I feel ok about my photo, but I think others are much better.

Besides State fair many other contests have been offered to me to enter. I do not know how I feel about them though. Yes, I will never know if I never do them, but I do not want to send in random pictures with no feeling in them. When I do photography, I want people to feel as if they could reach into my photo. I want pictures or art that is good and not something quickly made. I have nothing to major to loose if I do them, but I’m just kinda shy about it. I plan to do a few more, but I am not sure yet. I will figure it out sometime .

Creative Thoughts 9-15-17

During last week Hurricane Irma was a major topic in my school. Everyone was talking about how they would prepare and what they would do if it hit. My family personally bought some water and that was about it. We were not afraid of the storm. Due to the storm constantly changing, not many people knew where it would hit.  I slept a little, tried getting some school done, I sewed a little bit and tried drawing. I also had time to take care of my kitten and my room. In the end it did not hit the part of the state where I live. Instead we got heavy winds and some rain. Before and during the hurricane I made a Pinterest account. I have learned so many things on it too! I personally do not care much for trying to copy other peoples ideas, but on Pinterest there were many inspiring photos and posts. I had a fun time making boards and pinning things.

During this week we started to learn about Illustrator; It was very interesting. At first I had no idea how to do anything. I read up a little bit in the book and recalled the things the teacher spoke to us. I was a little confused at first but I eventually figured out how to do a few things on it. I drew a picture of a dinosaur, learned out how to make different art boards, change brushes and word styles. The more I poked around in Illustrator the more I learned how to change things and create drawings. If I had the skill set for illustrator, I would make a little comic or something cute of the sort. I love the different ways people draw. I feel that my personal style looks too childish and not realistic. I tend to fail at good facial expressions on any characters I draw. Even if I do not like my art style others do. I hope I can improve greatly and make something everyone will like. By the time we finish learning about Illustrator I hope to be able to understand it better too.


New School 9/12/17

This year I had the fun and excitement  of switching schools. When I was accepted into AAST and met the class I was so excited but also super shy. When I was told that I had a presentation to give, I was already wanting to know when it was due. Questions such as what will they think of me? What should I write about? And What could I do for illustration ran through my head. I tried to look into all types of things, but I could not figure out what to write about. As my overthinking kicked in I eventually chose my topic: Traditional Animation. I quickly got to work on the slides and information. Slide after slide I continued to search for things that I hoped would be interesting to me and other people. On the presentation day I was energized with nerves and anxiety. When I was called up to give my presentation I got up and gave a smile as best as I could. Looking back I feel that my information was good, but I felt like I could have done a little better. I think I stuttered and moved around too much. I do think my presentation craft went well. I created mini “magic lanterns” for my classmates to make into their own designs.

During the presentations I saw many good ones, but one in particular caught my attention. A presentation about,”Storytellers: Documentary photography,” Inspired me. The photos were full of life and made the viewer want to listen. The people mentioned in the slides were all very interesting and the stories behind their pictures were even better. Being such a broad topic, I think that the presenter took a very good section out of it and presented it very nicely.

When I first heard of AAST I was very wary about it. All the other schools I had gone to when I was younger,besides homeschool, were very confusing and had caused me to fall behind in one way or another. Another thing I worried about was people. I had never gotten too well with others from school. I got picked on a bit and got in a few arguments. When I first officially started school I was confused. I did not really know anyone in particular except for one of my friends who was in a different major. I was a little lost at first but as each day passed I became acquainted with more people. Everyone I met seemed really nice and caring. It  was so much better than my old school. The teachers were very understanding and helpful along with caring and sweet. The kids did not pick on me and everyone is so accepting. Schoolwork is not causing me to stress out. Instead it is fairly easy and interesting to do. I love it so much and can not wait to see what happens next.

My Digital arts and Communication class is really great. Everyone in my class is super funny and cool. Were pretty much one family. The seniors were funny and welcoming to all of us who had joined. We were all kind of quiet at first but as days passed we all got pretty comfortable with each other. We joke around, work together, and learn together. I absolutely love my double block with my friends. If I can’t figure out how to do something, I know I can ask someone in my class for help. I can’t wait to learn more this year!

This year I had the awesome opportunity to take an online quiz about careers! The three tests were not too long or difficult. They consisted of simple questions and easy results. Three results I got were Photography,Camera operator, and Tour Guide and Escorts. These pertain to me fairly well. I have decided to join the state fair for photography. I have many great photo opportunities and learning moments. My second opportunity was Camera Operator. This occupation involved designing graphics for studio productions to designing new scripts for broadcasts. My final occupation idea was Tour Guide and Escort. I have always loved traveling. Being someone who can travel and show other people sights and wonders is cool. In a whole I am already loving my experience at my new school!