Got sick?. 3-9-18

This week has kept me super busy with everything. I have had no time to sleep and I really want to crawl in a hole and rest for about ten years. My blog is late because I got sick over the weekend and couldn’t function well. Anyways the HOPE project I sent in was, in my mind actually very well. I think I had some good ideas. I hope that I am able to make anything noteworthy. The colors I used are basic palmetto colors like a beach. Fonts? I have no idea which ones I used. My tag line was ,”Helping Our People Everywhere.” I think it was a pretty good Idea so I hope it was ok.

My first thoughts on dreamweaver are,”what the heck?” I am still Re studying code academy. I understood the basics but since we rushed through I never had enough time to actually learn it. I am a very busy person with out of school life and school life. Other teachers think its a good idea to load kids with ,”not a lot,” of homework even though it’s really a lot. Dreamweaver is making a little sense but the program in a whole is not a dream weaver, its a nightmare maker.

The SAT was the best worst day of my life. It was a whole day dedicated to doing nothing except answer questions with a 25% chance of getting one of them right. The downside was the school treated the test day as a normal day so I spent the rest of my day making up things I missed in other classes.  I think I did ok. I never got my PSAT scores back so I have no idea how I may have done on SAT. I honestly don’t care. I need to see where I am anyways. If I fail what else in new? I will rise one day and accomplish something one day, just not today. I am to packed down with responsibilities and assignments.

College applying time is coming near. My future, I have no idea. Whatever happens happens. I will just wait and hope. I don’t really see myself doing anything extravagant. I plan to go to HGTC or Coastal Carolina. If I can afford them. My parents think I’ll get a lot of scholarships but I doubt it. I honestly stopped trying to care and overthink life about mid way last year. Im just going to let what happens happen.

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I'm the main character in my story. So far there are 17 chapters in my life. I'm still learning all types of things for my future and can not wait to see what happens next.

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